Sabtu, 18 November 2017



Global warming is a phenomenon of gas emissions known as greenhouse gases where gas groups (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), methane, nitrogen oxides) block and trap earth heat from being released into space. This gas group allows sunlight to pass through it but inhibits the release of the earth to the atmosphere.

It has being a huge environmental issue, it has become very necessary to increase awareness about it among common public all over the world.

This situation occurs due to human activities such as deforestation, industrial activity, open burning, vehicle exhaust, forest exploration for development activities and others.

To mitigate the negative impact of global warming, the role of individuals and governments in a country is important. It should be a commemoration and give information about the seriousness of the issue of global warming to others. Individuals also need to respond positively to government calls to equally mobilize them to address this problem.

2.1 Cause of global warming

Global warming is an environment that has a high temperature rise compared to normal temperatures. This is happening because of the causes of the global warming phenomenon.

Among the causes of this phenomenon are massive and widespread forest burning, the use of tools containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that result in the depletion of ozone layer, excessive agricultural activity using insecticides and chemical fertilizers, as a result of greenhouse gases, the use of motor vehicles using fuel as a fuel, a smoke-free industrial plant that contains sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides and also a natural factor of volcanic eruptions.

2.2 Measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue of global warming.
An individual can overcome the global warming by ensuring that vehicle tires are adequately pumped because the unmanaged tires will release much carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere, avoid using hot water for washing clothes instead of using an appropriate cleaner that can be used in cold water or warm up, remove the electric wire plaque on its socket when it is not used because the electrical wiring plugs that are still connected to the socket will cause the electric current to flow, planting the tree in the home can also overcome this phenomenon and buy the recyclables for reducing waste generation .

Governments should intensify (R & D) on the use of energy sources that are the use of non-polluting technologies or spoil natural resources, laws designed to reduce logging and deforestation, upgrading infrastructure and safe public transport system so that private car consumption can be reduced, recycling should be promoted with various ideas to be aware of the importance of safeguarding mineral resources and implementing effective prevention programs on the use of CFCs internationally.


Every member of the community regardless of race should help each other and work together to avoid the global warming phenomenon from continuing to become more serious, as the saying goes, "it's heavy to bear, lightly carried as well." Without the support and cooperation of individuals and governments, these sources of global warming will not be avoided.

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